Jacques Cartier - The French Explorer


Who is Jacques Cartier?
Your Next Activity
Due Date: 2.5 Computer Classes
Blog your answers to the questions on your blog. Use 5-8 sentences.
1. Post 2 pictures of Jacques Cartier and explain what you see in the pictures.
What kind of man is he? What can you know from the pictures?
*** Remember to put the web address to tell me where you got the picture
2. Post 10 facts about Jacques Cartier.
3. Why is he important for the history of Canada?
4. When was Cartier sent to Canada? Why was he sent to explore? Who sent him?
5. Find a map of one of his voyages. Post it here and explain his voyage. Where did he go?
Part B: Let's watch some videos!
6. First Nations people were the original people who lived in Canada before the Europeans came. Imagine how you would feel seeing the Europeans for the first time. What would you think? What would you say? What would you do?
Watch this video and then answer question 6 carefully in 5-8 sentences.
Historica Minutes: Jacques Cartier
7. Watch these two videos and answer the questions.
Video 1: Canada: A People's History: Jacques Cartier
a. What did you learn from this video in 5-8 sentences?
Video 2:
Hochelaga -- His journey continues...
b. What did you learn from this video in 5-8 sentences?
8. What is scurvy? Find a picture of scurvy and post it on your blog.
9. What happened to Donnaconna?
10. How would you feel if you were Donnaconna or the Iroquois people? Would you be friends with the French after this experience?
11. Read page 221-222 of your textbook. The information on these pages are important.
Find the words in bold on these two pages. Translate them and write a new sentence with them using your own words. Post it here.
- Find some more stamps with Jacques Cartier on them and post it here!
Practise your typing!
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